Tuesday, May 14, 2024
The crime alerts from John Freese have become a familiar update in students’ R’mail accounts. The University of California Police Department’s (UCPD) crime alerts have been sent on such a regular basis that it now lacks any factor of surprise. Within the month of May there were at least six reports consisting of five robberies and a sexual assault. It...
The potential dismissal of Proposition 8 cannot be taken lightly since it affects everyone living in the state of California. It may seem that the issues behind same-sex marriage only concern those who consider themselves part of the LGBTQ community, but this controversial issue stirs up emotions with everyone despite their sexual orientation. Now the Supreme Court has taken...
The UC system has managed to obtain the reputation of being money-hungry with the phrase “Let there be money” instead of the original motto of “Let there be light.” The UC system sparked an uproar when the Chief Marketing Officer attempted to change its logo to sell themselves to “moneyed elites.” Apparently the backlash did not discourage UC Riverside...
"The distinctive mission of the University is to serve society as a center of higher learning, providing long-term societal benefits through transmitting advanced knowledge, discovering new knowledge, and functioning as an active working repository of organized knowledge,” the mission statement of the University of California proclaims. These three core pillars—extensive commitment to the pursuit of public service, advancement of...
With the alarming rates of teenage pregnancy in the United States, contraceptives should always be readily available for girls and boys. Unfortunately, unlimited Plan B pill accessibility is not always accepted. Plan B and condoms have the same purpose: preventing sperm from meeting with an egg to create a zygote. But President Obama believes there should be restrictions on...
The Internal Revenue Service (IRS) has undergone a great deal of scrutiny from Congress lately as a result of specifically targeting tax-exemption applications for conservative organizations. The recent accusations have led to an uproar in Washington where politicians across the board have demanded answers. An explanation is necessary in order to douse the flames, but is all the criticism...
With the multiple recent shootings that have occurred around the United States, the controversial lack of restrictions on gun ownership needs to be addressed. The tragedy at Sandy Hook Elementary School in Newtown, Conn. begs the question: Should it be so easy to obtain a gun, even after travesties like Sandy Hook and Virginia Tech? The “campus carry” bill passed...
The battle for the legality of marijuana has raged on for years in California. Since 1996, the sale and use of medical marijuana has been permitted under Proposition 215. But the substance has not technically been permissible due to federal law, which declares the drug illegal even for medical usage. The conflict between California and the federal government should slightly...
At the beginning of each year, we must determine the way we will live as UCR students. To live on campus or to commute is one of the most financially impactful decisions we face, due to the high price of housing. Dining plans, overseen by Housing Services, are currently required for residents, without giving students the option to change...
“Obesity is an epidemic” is a common phrase heard more and more frequently these days. The statement may just be an exaggeration, but the main idea is that staying healthy should always be a priority. This is probably why state Senator Bill Monning has decided to try and push forward Senate Bill 622 that will apply a tax to...