Monday, May 20, 2024
Our nation is forward thinking, focused on matters immediate to our circumstances. We have been tested by slavery, war, civil rights and the Great Depression.  We have pushed through adversity addressing socioeconomic injustice, a struggle that continues. Today, we are in the grips of a devastating economic downturn and as we seek to restore our economy, never in our...
Back when he was a candidate, Donald Trump emphasized the need for secrecy and unpredictability in dealing with America’s foreign enemies, most notably, the Islamic State group (IS). So, it’s no surprise that the Trump administration has decided to stop announcing certain details about military deployments in Iraq and Syria. These details include “capabilities, force numbers, locations or movement...
The last week of classes is finally here. For first-years, the anticipation is new, a feeling of excitement mixed with nervous energy as the last day of finals draws inexorably closer. Other students who have already been through the mud know what to expect — some pass with flying colors while others struggle through with the same hapless stumbles...
It was recently revealed that two ASUCR senators, Albert Yum and Esther Hwang, failed to fulfill their responsibilities at a United States Students Association (USSA) conference earlier this quarter. The senators were not present at the majority of the workshops held at the conference, and, what’s more, they missed their opportunity to lobby for UCR. Now that the dust...
Dear Highlanders, On March 6, 2013, the ASUCR Senate passed a Resolution that I openly opposed during the Senate meeting. I continue to strongly disagree with the resolution. I understand the importance of creating an environment for students to express their beliefs; however, I believe that this effort of divestment encourages biases instead of reconciliation, and creates counter productive hostilities that divide the UCR campus....
Justus Ross/HIGHLANDER  Southern California’s homelessness crisis has once again been thrust into the spotlight when the Los Angeles City Council chose a parking structure in LA’s Koreatown as the city’s first new temporary homeless shelter. The announcement of the shelter’s placement sparked a May 6 protest in Koreatown and has led more than 9,000 people so far to sign an...