Dickens Festival - Evelyn Homan / The Highlander

The Riverside Dickens Festival serves up literacy and laughter

Riverside’s Dickens Festival carries on in the traditions of Riverside culture and celebrating history. Founded in the 1990s, the festival exists with the intention of being a history lesson mixed with a love of...

This cookie butter cookie recipe is not only a tongue-twister, but also a delicious...

Cookie butter has possibly become a must-try flavor in 2022. From churro flavors to rich lattes, cookie butter is sure to take over your pantry this year. This simple cookie butter cookie recipe is...

ASPB’s Sound Clash — discovering talents at a smashingly successful event

On Thursday, Feb. 24, ASPB hosted Sound Clash, an annual music competition available to all genres. In a captivating display of Highlander talent, five artists competed for the chance to win a paid performing...

Study tips that make life a little easier

With finals coming up, having a game plan when it comes to the tiring task of studying can be overwhelming itself. Everyone has their own methods that work best, and one thing is clear:...
Starbucks - Courtesy of Starbucks

Can you feel the love in your starbucks?

Breaking out of routine is hard in any situation, let alone when it comes to our Starbucks orders. With the rise of social media such as TikTok, trends have skyrocketed. Wild Starbucks drinks in...

Brownies and cookies, oh my!

Lately, I’ve been obsessed with baking brownies and cookies, especially late at night after studying for hours. It’s an internal struggle deciding if I’m in the mood for cookies or brownies. So I thought...

Buffalo Chicken Taquitos to fix leftover Super Bowl Sunday cravings

Disclaimer: This recipe is not Mexican but an amalgamation of American and Mexican elements. My Abuelita would never make something like this but would chuckle at the invention.  Inspired by both the Super Bowl and...
Movie Screening - Courtesy of UCR

ASPB’s Shrek movie night was a perfect way to spend a weekday afternoon

This past Thursday, the Associate Student Program Board held a movie night at sunset by the bell tower. The movie in question was no other than Shrek. This movie was decided by an Instagram...

A Christmas-y Swedish cookie to liven up any occasion

Though the Christmas season has passed, this thin, crispy Swedish gingerbread cookie is a light treat that gives you the feel of the holidays no matter what time of year it is. “Pepparkakor” translates...

Zooming through lot 30 with ASPB and the Rides at UCR

On Saturday, Feb. 6, 2022, ASPB and Rides at UCR, previously known as Drives UCR, hosted a car meet event in lot 30. The club is a newly formed one that began in October,...