Starbucks off Campus
Friday, February 7, 2025
Courtesy of The Highlander
Physical spaces produce aesthetic echoes which are so impactful, yet their sources are so often left outside the conscious mind. It is in this vein that University of California Riverside’s (UCR) architectural construction stands as one of its highest watermarks. The modernist sensibilities set forth by architectural firm Clark & Frey in 1952 are visible throughout campus buildings new and...
courtesy of google
If you’re anything like me, you love planning your weekly schedule out minute by minute. If I had to choose between keeping my car or my precious Google calendar, I would probably have to start walking a lot more. As a self-proclaimed schedule-lover, here are some tried and true organizational and goal-setting tips I love that you can implement...
courtesy of Unsplash
New year, new me! That's what we all say isn’t it, but by Jan. 3 we are all back to the same bad behavior. This year will be different, be special, be adventurous — 2024 is the year of living. If you are a lost lamb looking for a way to feel joy again this year, here are 24...
Courtesy of The Highlander
Welcome back, cry babies! As we near finals week, crying on campus becomes a much more common occurrence. The 8:00 a.m. sob sesh in Lot 30 while you are skipping class or in the back of that lecture you really hate hits different when you don’t understand anything that is being tested for on the exam next week. If...
Courtesy of The Highlander
“We’ve got a bell tower. So what else is nu? Personally, I don’t mind having it in the neighborhood. I just wouldn’t want my sister to marry one.” - Larry Peitzman, 1966 A pinnacle of UCR’s cultural development, the monolithic structure of the UCR Bell Tower has long presided as both the symbolic and literal center of campus. Since 1966,...
Courtesy of The Highlander
Extended stays in libraries have never been an activity to which I am particularly inclined to — stuffy, dimly lit, sonically displeasing, these places of communal study are typically places I avoid. It was with this predisposition that I decided to take on the assignment of enduring ten hours in UCR’s Orbach Science Library. What I sought in this...
courtesy of freepiks
Balancing free time and friends with school and academics can be difficult, but it’s important to find a certain stability between both. Here are a few tips to help you avoid procrastinating so you can have time to spend with friends and for events!  A major way to avoid procrastination is to create a strict schedule. What has helped me...
Courtesy of The Highlander
If there is any recurring enemy for a college student, it’s their class schedule. Although multiple hour labs and back to back lectures are draining in and of themselves, this is about the gaps between classes we can struggle to make productive. Sure, buying an overpriced latte and meandering the HUB for an open seat are the safe options...
Courtesy of flickr
Being someone who is easily scared, but wants to enjoy Halloween, is not easy. After seeing TikToks of people at Halloween-themed amusement parks and hearing my friends talk about all the scary movies they’re going to watch, I can’t help but get a bit of FOMO. There are so many people around me that absolutely love Halloween, and I...
Courtesy of Pexels
There is no doubt that the UCR English major is one of the most versatile to study. From acting out plays and analyzing movies to diving into close readings of literature, the major offers you an extensive toolkit to pick from. However, the caveat to this wonderfulness is a tendency to become overwhelmed with the range of projects English...