Friday, April 26, 2024
Courtesy of flickr

How to have fun on Halloween as a scaredy-cat

Being someone who is easily scared, but wants to enjoy Halloween, is not easy. After seeing TikToks of people at Halloween-themed amusement parks and hearing my friends talk about all the scary movies they’re...
Feat_Survive Economics3_Courtesy of Pexels

Economics Major Survival Guide

Math-Related Courses Come First Many courses like the math series and the statistics class are generally prerequisites for upper division courses as well as lower division courses so it’s advisable to start knocking those classes...
Clothes - Courtesy of Pexels

Campus cope: best thrift stores around campus

With the popularization of thrifting via TikTok, many people may find themselves wondering where are the best places to shop second hand near campus? Here is a list of some of the nicest, band...

Campus Cope: How to prepare for the worst at UCR … zombies

With increased pollution, the looming threat of nuclear war and bath salts, a zombie apocalypse occurring is not a question of if, but of when. When the Bell Tower crumbles into a pile of...

Campus Cope: How to have a Thanksgiving you’ll actually be thankful for

Making a good meal for cheap For many of us, cooking a large meal can be a daunting experience. I’ve also heard many people claim that they’re “bad at cooking,” and if you’re one of...

Campus Cope: A holiday guide to gifting

It’s that time of year, folks. The time of year where everyone empties their pockets to buy gifts for friends, family and others. This is the time for you to show your loved ones...
Natalie Dahl_ The Highlander

An ode to Groundhog Day

My favorite holiday in elementary school was one that was often overlooked. I lived to go to school on the second day of February — nothing was more exciting to me than celebrating a...

Defeating the College Triangle: Sleep

  Nearly every college student has heard the “choose two and neglect the third” saying at some point in their four-year experience. The urban legend suggests that most students excel in two of the three...

Preventing and healing from the flu, naturally

As the weather gets colder and the nights get longer, all of us face the possibility of catching a nasty sickness, but have no fear: There are plenty of preventative measures one can take...

Don’t let social media define who you are

Social media has a big influence on our daily lives. We usually check our Facebook, Instagram, Snapchat or Twitter a couple of times every hour. It’s become a habit of ours. Even though social...